At least that's what I keep telling myself...
Good Morning!
I don't know about anybody else,
but lately my Roller-Coaster Life has been CRAZIER than usual!
In more ways than one!
Summer Camp at the YMCA has ended
(THANK THE GOOD LORD! I don't think I could've handled much more!)
Overall, I would say it was a productive summer.
No serious accidents, no broken down buses, no nervous breakdowns.
But that being said, I DEFINITELY do NOT
wish to have another summer like this one.
I can't point at one issue and say "THAT was the problem";
it was like a buffet of annoying little issues
with a couple sides of "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?" moments.
But its all over now and that's what it is important! :)
I received permission to share some photos with you all
from some of my Camp Parents.
People occasionally ask me why I put up with the stress at the YMCA.
This is why: my babies
(If some of these photos look familiar to's because I've posted them before) :)

For obvious reasons, I can't tell you who these beautiful kids are, but I want you to know that each of them are
in their own right!
The first little guy was my helper.
He would happily do anything and everything I asked him!
The precious little girl playing in the water ALWAYS ran to hug me each morning yelling, "Mith Thawah! Mith Thawah! Mith Thawah!" :)
This little dude was a CHARACTER!
He made me laugh and occasionally made me want to pull my hair out!
This sweet little girl was SO SMART!
She didn't miss a thing!
Nicknames are always a lot of fun at Summer Camp...
we called her "Encyclepedia".
The little guy on the left was one of our youngest campers.
He was adorable and completely stole my heart.
For some reason, we started calling him "Pickles" and it just stuck...:)
This is the same little guy from the first photo...
I HAD to share this one though...
(sp? can't say I've ever had to spell that before...)
And, I would have to say this is my ALL TIME FAVORITE CAMP PHOTO!
This guy was my buddy and is ALL BOY if you get my meaning!
As I previous stated, I am glad camp is over!
However, with a new season comes new changes.
A few weeks before Summer Camp ended,
my boss informed me that I will NOT be
returning to work at Concordia Lutheran School.
(THAT was a twist of the Roller-Coaster I was NOT expecting!)
(THAT was a twist of the Roller-Coaster I was NOT expecting!)
(You can find a story about Concordia and the very special kids I had over there here.)
I was not happy with this news to say the least.
My boss explained that the reasoning was primarily budgetary.
I am one of the highest paid site coordinators the YMCA has.
Therefore, I need to be placed at a large school
that generates a large amount of revenue.
THAT would DEFINITELY NOT be Concordia...unfortunately for me.
Logically, it makes perfect sense to me
but I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't breaking.
Ssssoooo, that being said,
starting tomorrow I will be the site coordinator at
Thomas Jefferson Primary School.
I'm not completely dreading it,
but honestly, I'm not expecting an easy transition.
The site coordinator that had run TJ before me
had been there for nearly a decade.
Teachers, kids and parents are accustomed to how she ran things.
I am not going to run it like she did.
On top of a new curriculum from the YMCA,
I have new ideas for TJ.
As I said, I'm not expecting an easy transition.
But change really is a good thing.
It is NECESSARY for life.
So, ready or not, HERE WE GO!
Another twist of the Roller-Coaster occurring at the moment:
as of today, I am a Medical Administration online student at
Colorado Technical University.
(You heard it here first!)
I didn't make the decision to return to school on a whim.
It was something I've debating about
since the ICC X-Ray thing
(Don't have a clue what I'm talking about? Check out the story here.)
And, I guess, I just feel like it's time.
I've prayed about it LONG and HARD.
And I have a peace about this.
We'll see what happens.
The Roller-Coaster has thrown yet ANOTHER twist at me
that I'm not comfortable discussing yet.
I mention it not to drive you crazy with curiosity
but to ask for your prayers.
I've got some decisions in front of me
and I NEED the Lord's WISDOM.
Please pray with me that His Will will be accomplished in my life
and that His Kingdom will be furthered through me
and all these changes in my life.
I very much covet your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
So, enough about me! :)
How has your personal Roller-Coaster Life been treating you?
Any news you'd like to share?
You know, I'm ALWAYS up for hearing about you!
Thanks for reading!
Please visit again soon!
I was not happy with this news to say the least.
My boss explained that the reasoning was primarily budgetary.
I am one of the highest paid site coordinators the YMCA has.
Therefore, I need to be placed at a large school
that generates a large amount of revenue.
THAT would DEFINITELY NOT be Concordia...unfortunately for me.
Logically, it makes perfect sense to me
but I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't breaking.
Ssssoooo, that being said,
starting tomorrow I will be the site coordinator at
Thomas Jefferson Primary School.
I'm not completely dreading it,
but honestly, I'm not expecting an easy transition.
The site coordinator that had run TJ before me
had been there for nearly a decade.
Teachers, kids and parents are accustomed to how she ran things.
I am not going to run it like she did.
On top of a new curriculum from the YMCA,
I have new ideas for TJ.
As I said, I'm not expecting an easy transition.
But change really is a good thing.
It is NECESSARY for life.
So, ready or not, HERE WE GO!
Another twist of the Roller-Coaster occurring at the moment:
as of today, I am a Medical Administration online student at
Colorado Technical University.
(You heard it here first!)
I didn't make the decision to return to school on a whim.
It was something I've debating about
since the ICC X-Ray thing
(Don't have a clue what I'm talking about? Check out the story here.)
And, I guess, I just feel like it's time.
I've prayed about it LONG and HARD.
And I have a peace about this.
We'll see what happens.
The Roller-Coaster has thrown yet ANOTHER twist at me
that I'm not comfortable discussing yet.
I mention it not to drive you crazy with curiosity
but to ask for your prayers.
I've got some decisions in front of me
and I NEED the Lord's WISDOM.
Please pray with me that His Will will be accomplished in my life
and that His Kingdom will be furthered through me
and all these changes in my life.
I very much covet your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
So, enough about me! :)
How has your personal Roller-Coaster Life been treating you?
Any news you'd like to share?
You know, I'm ALWAYS up for hearing about you!
Thanks for reading!
Please visit again soon!
P.S. Got some great posts coming up!
Be sure to check back in! :)
P.S. 2 What do you think of the new Blog pic?
My good friend, Tiffany, who blogs over at A Marine's Love
is "re-exploring" her photography skills.
I think she's doing a GREAT JOB!
I think she's doing a GREAT JOB!
You should check her out! :)
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