Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Five-O #3 {I managed to find some Bright Spots in the midst of a Rough Week}

Hey There!
And I say that with EXPRESSION and PASSION!
I am SSSSOOOO GLAD this week is behind me!
I realize that makes it sound like I had a completely rotten week...
and well, I kind of did.
It wasn't all you will soon see,
it had some moments that I quite enjoyed,
but in general it wasn't the greatest week I've ever had.

With all that being said,
it's time for me to share my High Points of the week!
That's right!
It's time for:

For starters, last weekend was pretty great. 
I went and picked up my cousin, McKenzie, as soon as I got off work
Friday night and she spend the whole weekend with me.
Saturday morning, we got up bright and early
and "Popped In for a Pinterest Party" with the church ladies.
(You can read more about that here.)
Then we went and spent several hours doing something I LOVE:
Playing Ping-Pong! :)
When I was in High School it was one of my favorite pastimes,
but as I've grown up and acquired more and more responsibilites,
it has kind of fallen to the wayside.
Therefore, getting to play with my cousin for hours
was a bit like coming home. :)

I'm kind of a Ping-Pong Fanatic
when I have the time to be...:)

Okay, I feel like I need to confess something...
Every time McKenzie spends the night with me,
I get this overwhelming urge to take photos of her sleeping.
It's just because she's flat out ADORABLE when she's asleep!
So I do.
EVERY TIME she spends the night with me,
I take at least one photo of her sleeping
('cause I'm ALWAYS up before she is!).
So, yes, I have quite a few photos on my phone of her sleeping face...
and I'm okay with that.
So that's how I started my Sunday morning...

I told you she was adorable when she's asleep...

Also on Sunday, my presence was required in the 2-4 year old nursery class.
I love all these little people with all of my heart,
but I'm very glad that I don't have to teach them every Sunday...

But they certainly are PRECIOUS! :)

Now we come to Monday...
I'm sure you all know by now that I'm NOT a lover of Mondays.
I would prefer to cut them off of the calendar
rather than suffer through them.
But, unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be plausible.
Now, I'm going to shock you...
I actually had a really good Monday this week!
Part of it was that I actually was having a good hair day
and I thought my outfit looked cute
(and the weather cooperated and I got to wear Converse instead of boots...).
But the main event that contributed to making it a good day was:
The Arrival of an Early "To-ME-From-ME" Birthday gift in the mail...

And, yes, I've watched it twice since Monday...

Tuesday, I decided that I simply couldn't take Winter anymore.
I'm done with snow and ice and bitter cold.
That being said, I figured I should probably remove my Winter Decor
from my bedroom and add a few touches of Spring.
And I'm very glad I did.
This simple arrangement had brightened up my entire room.

I LOVE Wisteria...don't you?

Then, we got more snow on Wednesday...
It was heavy and wet and slushie...
I couldn't resist snapping a few photos of it.
I suppose this makes my "I'M READY FOR SPRING" statement
completely hypocritical...but whatever.
This is a Roller-Coaster Life...
I suppose that includes the weather and my emotions about it.

Makes me want to take a walk in spite of the cold! :)

How was your week?
What Signs of Spring are showing up around your house?

I'd LOVE to hear all about it!

Thank you for stopping by!
Be sure to come back next week for another Friday Five-O!

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