Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday Five-O #8 {I resorted back to my childhood this week...}

Good Morning, Friends and Family!
Happy Friday!

We have reached the end of the week,
so you know what that means!
It's time for:

Friday, Jessica tried yet another new recipe
(I didn't get off of work in time to help):
Cheezit Chicken.

And sharing it with friends made it taste even better!

Saturday was a CRAZY busy day!
It began for me before 7am
(RIDICULOUS for a Saturday!).
Why was I up so early?
I had to renew my CPR and First Aid Certification 
in preparation for Summer Camp at the YMCA.
The training went well and passed relatively quickly.
Then Saturday afternoon I was privileged to take photos of this beautiful family.

Don't you just wanna eat that little guy up? :)
I will be sharing more of these photos soon.

Following a GORGEOUS Weather Weekend
(we hit 80 degrees on Saturday!),
it snowed on Monday.
I'm NOT excited about snow in April!

Tuesday, I took at trip to the eye doctor.
This trip was LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG over due!
Seriously...I've been wearing one contact for nearly a month now...
an old contact that I seriously worried was going to fall apart in my eye.
Anyway, it was an expensive but rewarding trip...
VERY rewarding...I left there with two new contacts in my eyes
and a years supply ordered to be delivered to my home at a later time.

You don't realize how much you take your sight for granted
until it's compromised.

Also on Tuesday, Jessica and I had a little baking adventure :).
As I've mentioned more than a few times,
we've been trying to improve our cooking skills
and are doing pretty well (if I do say so myself).
So we decided to branch out a little
into the field of baking.
I found a tried and true banana bread recipe that my mother has used for years,
and seeing as we had three nearly rotten bananas on our hands,
we decided to try it out.
It turned out SCRUMPTIOUS!

Wednesday, I found out some very sad news
(now, if you aren't a Focus on the Family Adventures in Odyssey fan,
you won't understand this at all):
Bernard Walton passed away earlier this year.
(Okay, not really Bernard Walton...
the actor that played him, Dave Madden.)

This made me SO sad!
I totally GREW UP on Adventures in Odyssey.
As a child, Odyssey was a real place
and the characters on the show were real people.
The character of Bernard wasn't necessary one of my favorites,
but he was always there.
 Dave Madden's character was rock-solid dependable.
And he was hilarious!
The character of Bernard ALWAYS offered comic relief.
Upon hearing of Dave Madden's passing,
I immediately went on an Adventures in Odyssey listening spree!
Seriously, I think I listened to like eight episodes in a row while I was working.
Honestly, it cheered me right up! :)
(For more information about Adventures in Odyssey,
please visit Whits End.)

How has your week been?
Have you tried any new recipes lately?
Are you a better cook or baker?
Have you ever become attached to fictional characters
from movies, TV, or radio?

I'm very glad you visited today.
Please come back soon!

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