Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Five-O #14 {New Beginnings}

Good Morning, Dears!
I hope this finds you doing well!
I just have one thing to say:
Wow! It has been a Roller-Coaster Week!
Not to mention, a week FULL of New Beginnings!

Come on and I will tell you all about it on this week's

Friday Night was a Night of Celebration!
Our GORGEOUS Madi graduated from High School.
Check out these photos!

After the ceremony,
I went to dinner with my family where, yes, this REALLY happened:

There's no such thing as a Nice, Normal family dinner in my family!

Saturday, we continued the festivities in honor of Madi
by having her Graduation Party.

Yes, Nathan is proudly wearing pink tissue paper on his head...
Obviously, a LOT of FUN was had by all! :)

Also, Saturday night, I went to babysit in Washington
and didn't get home til nearly 1am.
Despite the late (or early) hour,
I took a moment to capture this:

Immediately, the old Sunday School song popped into my head,
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!" :)

Tuesday was a big day for my cousins!
First, after multiple delays for various reasons,
McKenzie had her braces put on!
Naturally, she was feeling a bit rough,
but she persevered and even managed to eat solid food!

She was so proud of herself that she kept referring to herself as Superwoman...
no, I'm not kidding! :)

Later that evening, we celebrated Maranda's 16th Birthday
with a small party with close friends and family.

The Birthday Girl pretty much glowed all evening long!

We ended the evening on the front porch
where we were serenaded by this sweet guy:

(It's okay to SWOON...)
It was an all-around busy, but fun-filled Tuesday! :)

Wednesday, I just couldn't bring myself to dress up!
Working as the School-Age Office Assistant at the Y,
I usually try to dress in a business casual sense.
But Wednesday, I just couldn't do it!
I threw on my favorite jean skirt
and a semi-nice shrug and went.
Naturally, my outfit included these:

Wearing my Converse All Stars after a long day of wearing cute,
but uncomfortable sandals all day the day before,
was like visiting an oasis in the midst of the desert :).

Thursday was my final day of Nannying :(.
With Summer Camp starting at the YMCA,
my split shift schedule will change to a regular 8 hour shift.
Naturally, this makes me sad.
I love my G & G and am DEFINITELY going to miss spending time with them every week!

Also on Thursday, a deluge of relatives began to descend upon Central Illinois :).
This is my beloved (maternal) Uncle Jim and his wife, Aunt Sherry.
Before Aunt Sherry married Uncle Jim,
she was a Grant.
This coming weekend is the Grant Family Reunion.
It is sure to be a great time of music and fellowship!
Now, I am only related to the Grant Family by marriage,
but it's a connection that I treasure! :)

How was your week?
Do you consider your extended family's extended family your family?
(Say that three times fast...)
Am I the only one who seems to have a massive amount
of new beginnings initiating in my life?

I would love to hear your stories!

Thank you so much for dropping by!
I hope to see you again soon!

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