Thursday, May 22, 2014

Summer Style Soiree {My Audrey Hepburn Post}

Good Afternoon, Bloggers!

I still consider myself to be relatively new to the world of blogging,
but I'm doing my best to keep up! :)
Now with that being said,
I am an avid reader of the following blogs:

Our Fifth House
Dimples and Tangles

The lovely ladies who run these blogs completely inspire me!
They have great, innovative ideas
and they are always looking for ways
to turn those ideas into fabulous projects INEXPENSIVELY!
You should check them out!

Anyway, the other day while I was catching up on these blogs,
I discovered this post.
Carmel at Our Fifth House was announcing the kick-off of
the Summer Style Soiree.
I had never heard of a Summer Style Soiree,
but I couldn't wait to join in!
As you saw in that post,
the month of May is dedicated to Audrey Hepburn.

Meaning that people are making diy projects,
wearing special clothes,
and taking unique photos all with a Hepburn theme.
Naturally, I HAD to get in on that!

Let me ask you a question:
Is there anyone classier than Audrey Hepburn?
(Yes, I know there are LOTS of classy women out there,
but what I'm asking is anyone CLASSIER?)
You have to admit, she's one Lovely Lady!
She's got the walk, the wardrobe, and the womanly wiles.
Who can forget her performance in classic movies like:
My Fair Lady
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Roman Holiday

Audrey was not only a classy lady,
she was an eloquent one.
There are multiple quotes of hers that I find inspiring.
The least of which is this one:

I admit, I'm kind of a loner...and I'm okay with that.
I've never been a social butterfly
and I don't particularly want to be.

But this quote of Audrey's also speaks to me:

I plan to doodle this quote into my Doodle Book soon,
it just hasn't happened yet :).

In the spirit of this Summer Style Soiree,
I donned my Breakfast at Tiffany's t-shirt
and had some fun IN FRONT of the lens for once! :)

Not sure that I'm QUITE as classy as Audrey,
but I'm a work in progress! :)

How are you getting into the Summer Style Soiree?
What is your favorite Audrey movie?

I would love to hear all about it!

Thanks for visiting!
Please come back soon!

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